The Epistemology Shift: Embrace The Change

The study of epistemology is to examine the nature of knowledge. It is concerned with the methods of acquiring knowledge and the ways to distinguish between truthful knowledge and false knowledge. Modern epistemology is concerned with the debate of rationalism versus empiricism. Rationalists believe that knowledge can be acquired by using reasoning or reasons. Empiricism is a way of thinking that gains knowledge through personal experience. The epistemology is a crucial philosophical tool and therefore the foundation of our way of thinking. In the absence of a clear understanding of how knowledge is obtained, it will be hard to rely upon our senses to get information and difficult to formulate concepts in our mind (Rayner 2011,). Sound epistemology will help to improve critical thinking and sound reasoning.

Smartphones, Laptops and Tablets are the main tools we use to learn. The convenience of e-books and audiobooks is what makes us prefer them to books in the library. The reason for this is that we can download ebooks and audiobooks to our computers at any given time. It is easier for people to copy and paste information into electronic books than it was in the physical ones, where they had to write down important points by hand. The social media world, search engine prompts, and the growing pool of online resources have shifted the minds of the population towards electronic media. It is no longer necessary to memorize information because it can be found on Smartphones or Laptops. Online libraries have been a great resource for many when searching for sources to use in writing articles and journals. While some people prefer the traditional methods of writing and researching, technology is the most efficient way to expand knowledge.

Philosophers are interested in the epistemological change when they study epistemology. The idea is that someone has changed the way they acquire knowledge. It is evident that the way in which people acquire knowledge has changed. Discussion boards and PowerPoint presentations have replaced chalkboard lectures. Online exams and applications like Quizlet have replaced bubble-sheet tests. Student handbooks are now available in PDF format for access from school issued devices. This is a good thing because excuses like I forgot my book no longer apply. This shift is a good thing for our youth. As an IT specialist, I am able to put these tools directly into the hands of these children.

The epistemic revolution has brought about a number of positive changes. There are many advantages to the technology shift. These include the ease of online access, libraries, other platforms, cloud data storage, which provides almost instantaneous access to files, notes and documents. The eBooks are also cheaper and can’t be damaged. They are portable and can be accessed from any location. eBooks may be easily sent to people via the internet, without them having to personally meet.

One could argue that technology has both pros and cons. The internet information is frequently deemed as not reliable. Anyone can post any information, which makes it less reliable. A technology-based environment causes students to struggle with communication and reading comprehension. Philosophers are also concerned that students lack analytical and critical problem-solving skills because technology makes tasks almost simple.

It is impossible to avoid transformation in academic studies. Research, invention, innovation, the creation of new concepts and ideas, as well as theories for solving problems, all lead to the development and evolution of new theories. The philosopher’s concerns about the shift could be considered genuine. But the benefits that stemmed from this shift were greater than the disadvantages. Learning has become more convenient and entertaining for generations who grew up with technology. Students’ minds are evolving in a more engaging way. To address philosophers’ concerns regarding the new way of learning, it is important to embrace this change and to look for ways to benefit from it. Future generations are able to see the benefits of technology.


  • coracarver11

    Cora Carver is an educational blogger and mother of two. She has a passion for helping others learn and grow, and she uses her blog to share her knowledge and experiences with others.

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